What's a dependent dynamical system? With Scala 3's support for ADTs and match types, and some guidance from Niu and Spivak, we can use polynomial functors to model complex state machines in a type-safe and compositional way.
We'll use tensor products, aliased by the ⊗
symbol, to wire up multiple lenses in a single interaction pattern.
The usual caveats apply: I'm not an expert in Poly, I'm a Scala developer, and a math enthusiast attempting to interpret aspects of Poly into Scala, a simply-typed programming language. As such, criticism is appreciated.
My goals here are:
Among the many interesting products in Poly, the tensor product, or ⊗
, provides a way to combine two polynomial functors into one. Ultimately, this allows us to interpret morphisms between such tensored functors as representing multiple state machines running in a single system. We can take as prototypical the examples of a monomial state lens and a monomial wiring diagram:
To describe the mechanism of tensoring, I might suggest "systematic tupling": of objects, of morphisms, of positions, of directions, of inputs, of outputs. It is covered in day 3 of the Polynomial Functors course, in this video, and a larger example is described here. For the purpose of our explorations, we can use match types to accomplish this in Scala 3:
case (Store[s1, Y], Store[s2, Y]) =>
Store[(s1, s2), Y]
case (Interface[a1, b1, Y], Interface[a2, b2, Y]) =>
Interface[(a1, a2), (b1, b2), Y]
case (PolyMap[o, p, Y], PolyMap[q, r, Y]) =>
PolyMap[DayConvolution[o, q, _], DayConvolution[p, r, _], Y]
We can see at a glance that the products formed are symmetric monoidal. But, in terms of state machines, what is the effect of tensoring two state lenses into a single system?
When tensored functors are used to define a lens, the result is parallelism. For example, we can tensor together two "integer doublers" and run them as one. In the following example, a Moore machine is used, rather than a Mealy machine, simply in order to reveal the implementation of the run
function, but a Mealy machine could just as easily be used:
val m1: Moore[Store[Boolean, _] ~> Interface[Int, Int => Int, _]] =
Moore(false, s => i => i + i, (s, i) => s)
val m2: Moore[Store[Boolean, _] ~> Interface[Int, Int => Int, _]] =
Moore(false, s => i => i + i, (s, i) => s)
val m3: Moore[
(Store[Boolean, _] ⊗ Store[Boolean, _]) ~>
(Interface[Int, Int => Int, _] ⊗ Interface[Int, Int => Int, _])
] =
m1 ⊗ m2
val l: List[(Int, Int)] =
List((1, 11), (2, 22), (3, 33)).mapAccumulate(m3.init)(
(s, a) => (m3.update(s, a), (m3.readout(s)._1(a._1), m3.readout(s)._2(a._2)))
// List((2, 22), (4, 44), (6, 66))
Tensored lenses can also be used to define serial systems. By composing a tensored state lens with a wrapper interface, a parallel system can be wired in series:
val m: Moore[
(Store[Boolean, _] ⊗ Store[Boolean, _]) ~>
(Interface[Int, Long, _] ⊗ Interface[Long, String, _])
] =
s => if s then 1L else 0L,
(s, i) => if i > 1 then true else false
) ⊗
s => if s then "true" else "false",
(s, i) => if i > 0L then true else false)
val w: Wiring[
(Interface[Int, Long, _] ⊗ Interface[Long, String, _]) ~>
(Interface[Int, Int => String, _])
] =
Wiring(ba => a => ba._2, (ba, a) => (a, ba._1))
val r: Mealy[
(Store[Boolean, _]) ⊗ (Store[Boolean, _]) ~>
(Interface[Int, Long, _] ⊗ Interface[Long, String, _]) ~>
Interface[Int, Int => String, _]
] =
val l: List[String] =
List(1, 2, 3, 4).mapAccumulate(r.init)(r.run)._2
// List("false", "false", "false", "true")
It is because Poly is a cartesian closed category that we can shuffle around types when defining our interfaces. Specifically, we have available to us an implicit set of operations familiar to most programmers: swap, project, discard, and duplicate. Together with the tensor product, they allow us to specify many wiring patterns, such as feedback systems, as well as dependently wired systems.
We can discard values and/or use them conditionally, based on system output. In effect, we can vary which wires are "connected" at a given state. In the following example, a company switches suppliers based on current stock:
type Supplier1[Y] = Monomial.Interface[Unit, Int, Y]
type Supplier2[Y] = Monomial.Interface[Unit, Int, Y]
type Company[Y] = Monomial.Interface[Int, Boolean, Y]
type System[Y] = Monomial.Interface[Unit, Unit => Boolean, Y]
type ω[Y] = ((Company ⊗ Supplier1 ⊗ Supplier2) ~> System)[Y]
val w: Wiring[ω] =
b => a => b._1._1, // emit status indicator
(b, a) => // if indicator is off, use supplier 1
((if b._1._1 then b._2 else b._1._2, a), a)
val m1: Moore[Monomial.Store[Int, _] ~> Company] =
s => if s > 2 then true else false, // indicate if stock exceeds 2
(s, i) => s + i // always accumulate state
val m2: Moore[Monomial.Store[Unit, _] ~> Supplier1] =
Moore((), _ => 1, (s, _) => s) // emit 1s
val m3: Moore[Monomial.Store[Unit, _] ~> Supplier2] =
Moore((), _ => 0, (s, _) => s) // emit 0s
val mealy: Mealy[
(Monomial.Store[Int, _] ⊗ Monomial.Store[Unit, _] ⊗ Monomial.Store[Unit, _]) ~>
(Company ⊗ Supplier1 ⊗ Supplier2) ~> System
] =
(m1 ⊗ m2 ⊗ m3).andThen(w).asMealy
val l: List[Boolean] =
List((), (), () ,()).mapAccumulate(mealy.init)(mealy.run)._2
// List(false, false, false, true)
We can also define, as types, wiring diagrams that can only be implemented by sending output back as input, allowing us to model feedback within a dynamical system:
type Plant[Y] = Interface[(Byte, Byte => Char), Char, Y]
type Controller[Y] = Interface[Char, Byte => Char, Y]
type System[Y] = Interface[Byte, Byte => Char, Y]
type ω[Y] = ((Plant ⊗ Controller) ~> System)[Y]
val f1: Byte => Char = b => b.toChar
val f2: Byte => Char = b => b.toChar.toUpper
val m1: Moore[Store[Char, _] ~> Plant] =
" ".charAt(0), // start with empty Char
c => c, // emit chars
(s, i) => i._2(i._1) // always apply the function passed
val m2: Moore[Store[Byte => Char, _] ~> Controller] =
f1, // start with function 1
f => f, // emit function
(f, i) => if i != ' ' then f else f2 // switch function on ' '
val w: Wiring[ω] =
b => a => b._2(a), // readout to system
(b, a) => ((a, b._2), b._2(a)) // update to system
val machine: Mealy[
((Store[Char, _] ⊗ Store[Byte => Char, _]) ~>
(Plant ⊗ Controller) ~>
] =
(m1 ⊗ m2).andThen(w).asMealy
val l: String =
"hello world".getBytes().toList.mapAccumulate(machine.init)(machine.run)._2.mkString
// "hello WORLD"
So, as we can see, even single-mode, monomial lenses can exhibit complex and varying behaviors. But it also raises the question: what else does Poly put into reach?